Local Greens provides fresh, organic and local produce to customers across south east London. Having offered vegetable and seasonal fruit bags for several years, their newest offering is the Veggie ++ bag.
This is a great new addition to their bags and is perfect for anyone who loves to cook as it'll include dry goods as well as fresh veggies.
NB: this is a collaborative post with Local Greens.
What is the Veggie++ bag all about?
This bag will include dried goods such as pulses, grains and lentils. Where possible it will include items such as nuts, spices and flour. Veggie ++ will, of course, include lots and lots of lovely fresh vegetables as well!
I received a sample Local Greens Veggie ++ bag to try out*.
The bag contained the following items:
- a bag of dried fava beans
- a bag of dried split peas
- potatoes
- aubergine
- cabbage
- spring onions
- beetroot
- carrots
- stir fry mix.
Cooking with my Local Greens bag
As you'll know if you follow me on instagram, I am the resident chef on Wednesdays at my local cafe, The Platform. I used my bag as the inspiration for the menu I cooked last week.
We had:
- fava bean and aubergine stew
- roast artichokes (these weren't in the bag but were supplied to me by Local Greens)
- Italian bread and tomato salad
- potato salad with split peas, herbs and spring onions.
The following week I still had the beetroot and some of the spring onions left so I used these at the cafe to make a beetroot and sweet potato curry and herby rice with spring onions.
I used the rest of the vegetables at home in our family meals.
How does Local Greens work?
As a Local Greens customer I pay a monthly charge and collect my bag from a locked shed in the garden of my local pub every Thursday. The charge varies depending on what size bag you want to order and whether or not you want potatoes to be included.
I've been a Local Greens customer since 2014 and I love my vegetable bag. It really comes into its own at this time of year and I genuinely get excited about picking up my bag every Thursday.
This week for example we have:
- bunched carrots
- broccoli
- kohlrabi
- lettuce
- tomato
- peppers.
This is the contents of a small bag with no potatoes.
How can you order a Veggie++ bag from Local Greens
To order any bag from Local Greens, including the Veggie++ bag you will need to register on their website and then select your bag and pick up point. This will usually be a pub, cafe or local business.
There are pick up points across south east London in SW2, SW9, SE5, SE15, SE19, SE21, SE22, SE23, SE24 and SE27.
*This is a collaborative post with Local Greens. All opinions are honest and my own. Read my disclosure policy to find out more.
Lola Osinkolu
This looks amazing! Love the package!