Starting your baby on their first solid foods is an exciting (and sometimes a little scary) time. All parents want to make sure that their little ones' first food adventures are filled with healthy, delicious and nutritious foods. I've teamed up with Organix* to share my weaning memories and some ideas for preparing dips and vegetables for babies.
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Our weaning journey
My weaning journey started almost seven and a half years ago - yes that's right, my eldest, R, turns eight next week. I can hardly believe it - where have the last eight years gone?! If you're a regular visitor to Sneaky Veg you'll know that these days R is a very picky eater. He won't eat any fruit or vegetables. In fact the only thing he'll eat in the photo above is the Organix pea puffs which he loves when I put them in his lunch box.
When we weaned R we approached it in quite a traditional way - lots of purées, baby rice and mushed up food. When Miss R's turn came to start her first food adventures she refused point blank to be fed from a spoon so I had to rapidly learn to embrace baby led weaning! Finger foods, pureés spread on toast and rice cakes and a lot of mess ensued. And when our youngest came along a few years later he just ended up joining in family meal times and eating whatever everyone else was eating.
Perhaps it's just a coincidence but it's very interesting to consider that R, my first baby, is by miles and miles the pickiest eater out of my three. Little S, who is now 3, is a completely different eater and tucks into veggies by the truck load. Or at least that's what it feels like.
Here's Little S feeding himself yoghurt in July 2015 aged just six months - I should have used a bigger bib!
Finger foods for babies
There's no point regretting the past but I do wish I'd served more finger foods to R when he was a tiny baby, including lots of veggies. Saying that he did love his green purées, cauliflower cheese and all manner of other veggies when he was a baby so perhaps the result would have been the same.
Either way, you have a unique opportunity when your baby is tiny to expose them to a huge range of different flavours. It's a good idea to serve as many different vegetables in as many different forms as you can so that your baby learns to love lots of different tastes and textures. But it's not just veggies - herbs, spices, grains, pulses - try as many different foods as you can. Where possible sit and eat with your baby as well - let them see you enjoying the foods as well.
Here are six ways you can help your baby to explore food
And here are some great tips for when you're just starting out:
How to prepare vegetables for babies
While some vegetables will be fine to be served raw eg avocado and cucumber, others will need to be cooked eg beetroot and sweet potato and others still will benefit from being lightly steamed. Small babies without teeth will find it much easier to enjoy carrot sticks or broccoli florets if they've been softened. Even red peppers like the one pictured might need to be lightly roasted or steamed before serving - but this will depend on your baby and their age and teeth!
Dips are also a great way to serve vegetables for babies. I like to make a dip with a platter of vegetable crudités and other dippers on the side. The Organix baby pea puffs make a great dipper. Just the right shape and size to be dipped into hummus they contain just two ingredients - yes, just two - peas (80%) and corn (20%). Organix believe that all babies and children should only be given real food - so you won't find any junk in their products. They are so passionate about this that they have a whole campaign based around this - the no junk journey.
This means that their products have a short ingredients list and you won't find anything that you haven't heard of. Any unusual ingredients include an explanation so you know exactly what is contained in your babies food - and why. Unfortunately not all baby food companies are so transparent. Read my metro post on this issue to find out more.
Here are five of my favourite dips to serve with vegetables for babies:
Pin preparing vegetables for babies for later
If you like this you might like this cooking for babies post.
Disclaimer: this is a collaborative post with Organix
Laura Hartley
I love these puffs! They've become quite popular in the snack section but I'd never thought of using them for babies - that's clever!
Mandy Mazliah
They've brought out a new range recently which is especially designed for babies x
Sally Akins
Organix are brilliant, it's so good to have convenient finger food that you know are going to be good for your baby to eat. They were definitely one of our favourites when my sons were little!
Mandy Mazliah
Yes, it's nice to make your own but not always possible to keep up with demand!
My daughter loves the organix range from the ginger bread to the crisps which were great for finger foods when we started her on more solid foods. Luckily she isn’t a fussy eater and eats everything in sight
Mandy Mazliah
Oh I'm so glad you have a good eater! My kids like all the Organix range thankfully x
Mattie Lacey-Davidson
Love this. I have so much fun with my nephew at dinnertime, he loves playing with food and we always let him have an adventure!
Mandy Mazliah
I think it's so important to let them learn about food by playing with it - hope he continues to love it!
Kaz | Ickle Pickles Life and Travels
My first weaning journey began over 20 years ago! I loved Organix for Pickle who is now 5. Kaz
Mandy Mazliah
And have things changed a lot over 20 years ago? Thanks for visiting x
Treasure Every Moment
Very informative post - I am currently weaning/introducing new textures/flavours to my daughter and it is such a fun and messy time 🙂
Mandy Mazliah
I'm glad you think it's fun! I know some people hate the mess but I always enjoyed it.
Eb Gargano | Easy Peasy Foodie
What a lovely post. Very interesting. I started with purees - I remember those days of my freezer being stocked with all manner of ice cube shaped purees very well! But we moved pretty quickly on to more solid food. My daughter was such an easy baby and happily ate everything we gave her. My son however would only eat if we also distracted him with a toy and was much more fussy! Fast forward a few years and they are both surprisingly unfussy. I think though that is less down to my weaning methods and more down to my 'this is your dinner, take it or leave it' attitude!! Eb x
Mandy Mazliah
And your amazing cooking I am sure!! Thanks for commenting Eb x
Super Busy Mum
This is such a cute post and brings back A LOT of memories from feeding my lot when they were babies! Some great tips, here!
Mandy Mazliah
Aw, I have happy memories of weaning as well!
michelle twin mum
My kids all loved the Organix products when they were young, I never really gave them savoury dips when they were young but I should have, I bet they woudl have loved them. Mich x
Mandy Mazliah
Organix products are a life saver when you have little kids aren’t they!
Rebecca - Glutarama
Both my children were baby led weaned and had it not been for various diagnosis over the years for both I fully believe this would have excellent eating habits.
Mandy Mazliah
You can’t help what happens with allergies and illnesses can you x
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
My youngest was baby led weaning and is the one that will eat the most variety of foods.
Mandy Mazliah
I feel like it's made a difference with my younger kids too but I guess we'll never know for sure!
Leigh Travers
Great tips here! I haven't got kids but can imagine this is super handy for those that do!
Mandy Mazliah
Thanks Leigh - appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙂
Great tips! We did a mix of purées and finger foods - they’re loved it!
Mandy Mazliah
Thanks Bernadette!
Erica Hughes
We did lots of jar foods and ended up with a pretty adventurous eater - I think it's luck of the draw sometimes, but it doesn't do any harm to introduce them to as many tastes as possible early on.
Mandy Mazliah
I think you're right - there are so many factors involved.
My two loved finger foods but the mess was terrible 🙂
Mandy Mazliah
I became a dab hand with a cleaning cloth in the end!